adriana camarena, writer and community advocate based in san francisco. attended alex nieto's trial and is co-founder of the justice for alex nieto coalition. we're alslso joined by rebecca solnit, writer, historian, and activist. she is the author of over a dozen books including most recently, "men explain things to me." her recent piece, "death by gentrification: the killing that shamed san francisco," appeared in the guardian. she's lived in the bay area for 50 years, 36 of which in san francisco. we welcome you both to d democry now! before we talk about the decision by the jury, rebecca solnit, your piece is chilling. go back in time, for people who don't know this case, to what marched to alex nieto 2014, march 21. >> alex nieto was a young man with big hopes, a spine to be a probation officer. he was a buddhist, and a young friend of his said they wanted to be pure lotuses, to really serve the community and be great people. he worked as a security guard, bouncer, at a nightclub and really took care of his parents who were retired and was close -- s