adrien is mayor. >> we were short housing when the oil boom started. >> these man camps is where oilup, complete with a game and duck pond. you find trailer parks on every block and oil money in most pockets. >> we're one of the poorest counties in the state of texas. it's exciting, it's exciting to see everybody paying down their car notes, paying off house notes, it's exciting. >> the oil under this ground have in fused the regional economy with $61 billion, and that was just in one year, 2012. as everyone in south texas knows, after each boom comes a bust. people here are bracing for when. >> it's going to take another three years. in five years, this might be a ghost town. >> even now, the wealth is not reaching every corner. in fact, while some get richer, others get poorer. if it weren't for the help of a relative, anna flores would have loft her home. rent here has tripled from $500 to $1,500 per month. >> people have got thrown out of their house because they want more money, they throw them out to get oil folks. >> a job on the oil field earns six figures, but the day and ni