adrien fente came in, changed a lot of things around, including schools.or gray, a lot of the people thought he would not do it. he has done that, too. but he's got this scandal hanging over his head. >> to what extent, tom, is it significant that washington, d.c., could have a mayor again for the first time in years, something that we saw in new york, obviously a female candidate got very close. but she seems to have a real shot at this. >> she does, because again, she's moving up in the polls, and they're quite confident in her campaign, she'll win on tuesday. we haven't had a female mayor since the early '90s, sharon pratt dixon was elected back then. wasn't a particularly good mayor, in fact left the city in bad financial shape. bowser hasn't proved herself beyond being a decent council member. constituent service, ethics reform stuff. there's a real question about whether or not she will be a good hands-on mayor/manager like adrien fente was, or does she have enough experience? we don't know until she gets in the office, if she does. >> colby, part of