my name is adrienne reed. our theme for today: balancing poses. already having a lot of fun on the set, i hope you have a lot of fun today at home. this is kind of a challenging class, when you're ready, let's stand on up guys. so let's make it a fun class balancing poses are a little hard, don't get frustrated just laugh have a little fun. so we're actually going to stand here i want you to draw the tops of your thighs upward, tuck your tailbone slightly, hollow your lower belly. inhale, bring your shoulders up and exhale roll them back and down and try and keep that nice balance stance. from there, go ahead and close your eyes and just go for a couple of breaths there. really calming your breath relaxing your body you should be in a perfectly balanced spinal stance. so you're not standing up muscularly, you're balancing skeletally. and see if you can just lean forward slightly into your toes with your eyes still closed and then lean back onto your heels and just rock back and forth just slightly. you may need to open up your eyes, you may notice