he was actually adu ge of the episcopal hh school and he calls them some of his most memorable years and said that that school's code of honor followed him throughout his life. and talking to folks who came down here to the newseum to contemplate his life and his loss, that was an honor cod s thatved him well. take a look. >> just coming by here and looking at the headlines and seeing how everybody plays it differently across the country, all thespapers play it differently. but almost all of them play it here, you know, banner headlines. you know, john mccain, maverick, war hero, all of those things. >> you see on the high school website there's actually a wupte bout senator mccain and his time there. he kept his connections. in 2001, he was given the distinguished alumniaward, the website talks about his achievements there as the class of '54, he was also on the school paper. >>> senatorcc mn's father and grandfather are both buried at arlington national metery, but he will be buried in maryland near his friend chuck larson, a four star admiral. sel tor mccain w laid to rest at the