that when you have a 15-year-old girl who is representing the ideal for female butte fo beauty for adulnoblematic. because you have a very different body type at 15 to 25. >> sure. even go to the past, twiggy who is considered by nickname a very thin model in the old days would not be a very thin model today. you also write about that. that the pressure on all of you to be thin and how thin you had to get. in order to be able to work. it's just scary. >> it is. absolutely. and you know, i have a lot of friends that are models now through mod al lines and time working as a model and a lot of them are naturally thin. not every mod is going to have an eating disorder, not every model has bad body image issue but it's perpetuated this idea of never being thin enough when i was 19 i was tall and stun i and didn't know what being a model was i thought i was fine, i was like a sides four or size six, i am 5'9" to me that is thin and young, modeling industry measures in inches not pounds so i had to lose 15 to 20 pounds to be the correct size, my body is not able to naturally get down to that we