but it makes sense because being a nation of immigrants, gives us advantagerepreneurial over other nations. if you are willing to strike out and go someplace new and build from scratch, you've got the sense of eating willing to take risks and being able to build something from scratch. -- that'shat spirit part of what the american spirit is all about all stop it is part of what drove us westward across , not feeling like what is in front of you is the only thing that's possible, but that something else is possible. because of those businesses started by immigrants, we all benefit and it means more jobs and more growth for everybody. our said last week, immigration system has been broken for a long time. families who try to come here the right way can get stuck in line for years to stop business owners who treat their employees right often see the competition exploit undocumented workers to undercut businesses. all of us, i think, don't like the idea that someone can reap the rewards of living in america without its responsibilities. and there are people who does lee one to embrace those re