you have left plains where originally introduced the train aeroflot pilots they've recently gained popularity as a sports plane both inside and outside the former u.s.s.r. anyone can come here to experience what zero g. feels like to barrel turns and the loops aeronautical experience isn't necessary you just need a little courage and trust the pilots know what it's hearing and once in a lifetime experience that has been enjoyed by musicians for it is. a lot of people like the laws of this airplane it's like a military fighter. powerful engine so it's going to be a bright yellow propeller plane you have missed this in the sky and after meeting my pilot it into the aircraft i go and on honest to goodness knows what i have got myself into i have a feeling this is not a challenge this. one thing that is apparent straight away is the noise from the monster of an engine or take the headset off i can hardly in my self speak. moring down the runway we can we feel every single bump and crack in the surface of the stomach churning roller coaster in the sky as we'd like to an incredible sixty degrees th