"that's aerosmith. what are you? crazy?" and rick had the--the foresight to go out and get aerosmith and bring them in, and they were like, "no, we don't want to say their words. "we just want to use their beat, man. and we don't want much of their guitar to play." the way we'd have cut it, you know, the beat would play, and then it'd go "wa, na." and then they'd get to say it. like, the guitar would never get a full lick in. so it would just go, "ra." that's the most you'd hear, that beginning of the guitar, or maybe a little bit more, but never would we-- were we going to play the whole record. rick said, "no, i promise you, it's okay." and they made the record, begrudgingly, and it was rick's genius that made that record so much bigger than the others, and it takes, you know, i mean, that kind of foresight to take something to the next level. so today, you know, walk this way is rarely played live in a concert by run dmc, but then, that was the thing that gave rap its credibility amongst the people who, you know, were dis