judge on my show except the ones that are inside ourselves you toured with the who aerosmith prince neil young pearl jam who's the wildest the wildest. i think the funniest little guy it was prince for me. because he just he's corky that guy he's themself yeah he's very himself neil young. just i wanted to pick up a car every time i saw him like and he just gave me power aerosmith steven and steven is the wildest steven and they go he's the wildest was there was song you wrote to a producer that you thought is miss and it missed there was a song for four on blondes that i wrote called spaceman that i thought was a huge hit it was so pretty and and so moving and what was so big it didn't leave any room for anybody else to show up to the party. we have some social media questions david pushing ninety one tweets what are your songwriting habits or quirks my habits are that i really i'm getting too much in the habit of like when i sit i have a piano or i pick up a guitar i don't know what happens but this it just becomes like. like it all shows up at the same time the song the the the chords the melody the