availability, afability, accountability. success, winston churchill said once is going from failure to failure with that the last of enthusiasm, that passion for life has to stay with you forever. treat others the way you would like your loved ones to be treated. caesar chaves once said, there's no substitute for hard work. 23 or 4 hours a day -- 24 hours a day. and there's no substitute for patience and acceptance. my grandfather used to tell me, a fool with a good tool is still a fool. it's not the tool that matters and not the education that you have gotten by what you do with your education. we are today what we did yesterday. we will be tomorrow what we do today. sometimes you just have to wait until the night comes. then you can let the light from the stars guide you. you yourselves are stars already. congratulations for all the wonderful work that you have done, for all your accomplishments. i am certainly humble to be here in your presence and to receive this undeserved honorary degree. thank you very much. [cheers a