people living with convictions more than the entire population of france, we are in danger of becoming afation of criminals because we are policing from a place of fear. 14 million new arrests every year. we are prosecuting from a place of fear. 45,000 collateral consequences on the books in this country. 45,000 roadblocks to the restoration of rights and status after quiksz we are length lating from a place of fear. the time has come for change in our national mind-set. we must move from the penalty, prosecution, are and endless punishment to forgiveness, redemption and restoration. a great way for this task force to begin the healing process is to implement the first recommendation in our report. a call for a national restoration of rights day, a day every year where we can celebrate redemption and restoration with educational programs for employers, skills training workshops for the effective community, jobs fairs, certificate of relief programs at not cost and no cost opportunities, no cost opportunities to clean up your rap sheet. more concretely, there are four steps this task force can