>> so, as they say in turkey, afiyet olsun! -- bon appetit!>> savory or sweet, heavy or light -- what do you like to eat when you're on the go? send us a photo of your favorite snack and win our global snack apron. you can send us your photo by post or e-mail at global3000@dw- world.de. best of luck! >> between 1990 and 2001, the number of people in sub-saharan africa living on less than $1 a day increased by roughly 30 percent. a third of the population subsists on less than the minimum level of nourishment. in 2002 the millennium villages project was initiated to alleviate poverty, hunger and disease in that part of the world. funds were made available to promote community-led development. one of the goals is to improve the quality of education for boys and girls in even remote villages. here's a look at just one project in malawi. >> at this elementary school in mwandama in southern malawi, the day gets off to a noisy start. for some time now, more kids have been coming here than in the past. the school provides much more than an education.