greed, legalized murdrder, police, legalized murder abroad in yemen, in pakistan, in africa with africom, and so forth. that's where ourur focus has to be, because with all of this rebellious energy, it's got to be channnneled throrough organizations rooted i in a quest for truth and justice. amy: professors s cornel west and keeanga-yamahtta taylor. we will hear more from them in a moment, but first let's tuturn to former women's march co-chair tamika mallory. she spoke at a rally in minneapolis d days after the police killing of george floyd. prof. mallory: we are not responsible for the mental illllness that has been inflicted upupon our people by the american government, institutions and those people who are in positions of power. i don't give a damn if they burn down target, because target should be on the streets with us calling for the justice that our people deserve. where was autozone at the time when philando castile was shot in a car, which is what they actually represent? where were they? so if you are not coming to the people's defense, then don't challenge us when young peo