parts of the final ceremony of the first aftab nahan international festival was.e efforts of the national media center for poetry, music and hymns, music videos inspired by these poems will be produced and shown on various tv channels . sahar kwanati broadcast news end of this news section, the next section of news is at 11:00 and god save muhammad khalqullah ahmed or rabi llanam or anisa lalmasakan or qala khalq azim shafi lalmazn fina or imam al-qiblatin or aba al-reyhantin or maalam or mushakr or al-rahim al-sadiq al-amir or kharellah wahabibi yama allah, wasfia, may god have mercy on him for the worlds , sahib al-tab, wal ma'aran, mustafa khatmat al-nabiyin, seyyed for the messengers. o muhammad o muhammad khair khalq allah ahmed the late muslim, the sadiq, the thinker, or the prophet, or the messenger of al-bashir, the nazir, the compassionate , the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, or the owner of excellence