matt: i would have to agree with afyare elmi.nk really, the balance of the responsibility lies with the federal government. first of all, there has been a pattern since president farmajo took office of trying to diminish, and then eventually to subjugate the federal member states, not just those two. so there used to be a top-level political forum under the previous government, where the federal president and the state presidents would meet. president farmajo disbanded that counsel when he took office. he set up a national security council, which was only able to meet a couple of times before it became too acrimonious and was not convened again. agreements on, or let's say, agreements in principle on federal architecture were discarded by the federal government, especially as far as security, natural resources, and revenues were concerned. so the federal member states have really felt as though mogadishu, president farmajo, in particular, have been trying to dismantle the essence of federalism, establish a monopoly on resources,