we just passed the aganplaz. we have your p pition. we've already moved ahead of you. we're on the fredrick wilhelm bridge. we h he roadblocks at brandenburg and kromschadt. confirmed. turn right at the next corner and then keep straight until you come to a ferry dock at the river. illya? i heard. they're probably planning to use an abandoned ferry to cross the oder-spree. hans, flick your headlights on and off twice. good. may i have a light please, hans? you're lighter please, mr. solo. oh yes, we're quite aware of who you are. we've used you as, um, how do you say, a judas goat to lure your three friends you may find that you're the ones that are in the ambush. in a situation like this, i'm expendable. if they have to kill me to stop you and helga, they will. they won't have the opportunity, mr. solo. if you look straight ahead very carefully, everything has been neatly and completely arranged. , your death, the destruction of u.n.c.l.e., all exactly on schedule as you see. be ready to open fire when you hear my shot, gentlemen. you have five seconds to live, mr. so