all, he returned to the city, and we will talk about it later in other programs, thank you, agasmander borievrman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center, was on the air of the beraber program, together with the ukrainian joint e-project of the atr and... tv channel, well , we we will meet you next week, don't switch, stay with us korshka, class, congratulations, we have very good news, we managed to find several children at once. which were lost so, in vinnytsia, caring passers -by noticed a boy without an adult. here on these footage from video surveillance cameras shows how a small wreck is blocking the streets. fortunately, the witnesses did not pass by and immediately contacted the police. patrol officers arrived at the scene, but the boy could not explain to them exactly where he was lost and where to look for his parents. the same city video surveillance cameras helped. thanks to them, it was possible to establish that the boy had come. from the side of one of the shopping centers, it was there that they found the child's parents, who sounded the alarm and tried to find their