agatha christie. she gathers all the suspects together in one room and then the detective says something really clever. and the murderer makes a run for it. generally through the french windows which, unfortunately we have not got. well, i'm sorry to disappoint you, but i'm going to finish my tea and disappear back to work. i need a drink. you've just had a cup of tea. it was herbal. you do need a drink. so, what did you think of the mess? not the real thing. exactly. it's the kind of mess you could tidy up in half an hour. not a professional job either-- there was some dresden untouched, a couple of edward lear watercolors on the wall and what looked like some valuable first editions on the shelves. a proper vandal would have smashed all the dresden and peed all over the floor at least. conclusion? a gentle warning for the good professor? unless she did it herself. try and depict herself as a victim, perhaps. anyway, what you been up to all day? plowing through old student journalism trying to make a