the simple fact agco announced it's buying sim bria that should bolster their seed and grain business. so let's take a closer look with the chairman, ceo and president of agco to learn more about this deal and get a peek at the latest tractor model. let me ask you something. i am looking at what i regard as being one of the biggest machines i have ever seen, at the same time, the ag business is not so hot. is it the right time to introduce this monster? >> this beast has accepted the seam horsepower as famous astin martin of james bond. so why is it attractive for america? because it's very compact, very powerful, and actually performance will outperform the competitors. >> give me the value proposition, i'm a farmer, why would i want this over john deere? >> first you would have to pay $400,000, to $450,000. plus the return on invest is short. it can replace two john deere's. this guy does the work of two traditional tractors. which would cost, apparently two together would be more than this. >> exactly. and you have lower fuel co