holy pravodzitsa on the basis of the maladzechanskaya music college named after aginska. they immediately the workshop, that is, we called it a workshop, the coupling here is from the first generations, because every time we bring it to the professor different generations, elderly, there were legends here such as mark pikarsky, for example, erzhebestok, that is, such professors came here, on the other hand, young people seem to have the opportunity to work here, live together , immediately go to the orchestra, with written notes, this is very important, because in general we didn’t have this when we... created a creative workshop for young composers somewhere, where individual and group master classes are held, at the same time, each composer has the opportunity to work with an orchestra, work with the leader, to hear make some comments, correct them and come to the next rehearsal with some new vision of your work and hear it in some new format. the forum of young campuses is not a competition, a creative laboratory, which has important experiences and skin. as a result of the musical pro