in a way by setting these people up, i keeps us agitat. the thing is, nobody gets addicted to kale. they get addicted to chaos. >> i get exactly what you mean. >> this constant going on about trump, we got a problem but i'm not a politician, is -- you can see there's almost pleasure you are in it. every dinner party, it's salacious. every comedian that comes on and talks about him is bumping up the anger of the other guy. i don't know what to do. i'm just saying, we're addicts to now this madness. >> what is your definition of being human, how to be human? >> it's understanding my machinery a little bit. it's understanding when i start getting too threatened, what actually happens biologically in my head. my memory shuts down. i really -- what usually happens is i believe it's coming from you. because we will project. then i will slam it back. again, it's that animal thing. you see it in business with the antlers lock. it doesn't make you feel worse. it's thrilling. what we don't understand is that every time you squirt some of the adrenaline, it's like alcohol. you are poisoning yo