but agoglia says he can do it faster and more efficiently, because he specializes in disasters. >> a local fire department is not often going to have a hovercraft or a crane with a special attachment to dissemble a home in ten minutes if it's in the middle of the road. so oftentimes i find that when these storms hit the communities, it oftentimes destroys their local resources so they don't even have the ability to help themselves. >> reporter: coast guard officer joe allen sees the value in groups like first response team. >> my personal feeling is i'm glad they're here. you know, all the help we can get, the better. >> reporter: and while it's rewarding, it takes its toll on agoglia and his pocketbook. >> i live in hotels, i live in very cheap hotels, most of the time. and that's my life, and trust me, it's not really how i want to live. but at this point, i don't have enough money for a home. i had to give that up to fund the work of the first response team. >> reporter: agoglia is used to dealing with life-threatening natural disasters. the gulf oil crisis is the first of its kin