if you are not listening to agritalk, you should start. especially on t5esdays and fridays when host mike adams grapples with jim weisemeyer from informa in washington, dc; and chip flory, the host of market rally and yours truly. it's called a free-for-all and if this seems like a balantant plug, you are totally correct. it's not only some of the most fun i have every week, i usually end up learning something whether i want to or not. all of us suggest issues to bat around, but i've noticed we almost always have some contentious topic about nutrition and food. from gmos to gluten to red meat, some recent bit of n ns will start us down one of those all- too-familiar c cversations. like politics and religion, nutrition seems to be another segment of human knowledge with enormous gray areas and shifting beliefs. there are good reasons why. probably most importantly, we can't do rigorous nutrition experiments like we can for drugs, with placebos and standard for scientific evidence, are simply not possible. it would require thousands of patie