for example, in the agricultural organization agronemanskie, the average yield of seed oil exceeds 30 centners per hectare. part of the harvest is processed independently. the consequences of the storm were felt by the columns. in terms of our combine harvester fleet, we have 73 combine harvesters, all in good condition, on time prepared, our area did not remain aloof and suffered from strong winds and rain, in the area the area was slightly more than 200 hectares, according to the survey results. there will, of course, be difficulties with the crops, but we will harvest everything, nothing will be left on the field, i would like to note that the year is very favorable in terms of forage procurement, we collected almost 50,000 tons more hay than last year, we partially produce the oil ourselves from our own labor, we sell part of it under the state order for extract oil, vitebsk plant for 100 our domestic gans, the severin superlite variety, the hybrids give the best, of course, yield, about 35 or more cents, the severin variety, well, within 28-30 cents per hectare. by the way, large