way to symbolize that best, in my judgment, was by way of putting a more torm on earmarks which says ahah not all of these things are good but indeed there's a need to maintain there control and its credibility. so this symbol is going to allow us to have that discussion in open with our members. and, yes, especially since members can't initiate propeses as a result of moratorium there's a lot of controversy in our caucus and also in steny's caucus. >> i want to broaden this out a little bit as a veteran member of congress. how bitter is the partisanship? is it to the point you can't talk to democrats? you just gave the example of staff. i've been here as long as you have, and we've seen bitter partisanship before in the 80s, in the 90s. but is it to the point now where you can't get things done because people are just so rigid they won't talk to each other? and, if so, because i've seen this, why? and what can you do about it? >> one of the worst things i must say that we've done in connection with that is very much affected c-span. if we hadn't televised the congressional sessions, you