. >> taking it day by day people so they are making a case for being reasonable that's like ahima feeliac making a case for acupuncture but if i was a viewer i would be annoyed as well. they swore trump was hitler and they are using their spirit air miles now to visit palm beach. next you'll tell me joy joy read isn't a natural blonde. of course trump was glad to have them it's not like him to hold a grudge and he said they were welcome to be there anytime. and they said it social media that's upset but they are getting all these phone calls do you believe that? >> no. one of the things i admire about trump is his diplomacy and our he will talk to some of the most distasteful people on the planet. and some of the worst and joe and micah. obviously they are trying to just keep their jobs as they become irrelevant. the ratings there are lower than those of my least favorite cooking show harris word salad but the most disturbing part is folks going oh, my gosh, you talked to trump and i'm triggered now. you have these folks on the left that you can't even talk to anybody who has a differe