also called tom ahl, outdated and necessity. although buddhism is a pillar of ty, decide he, the rule of the religion has lawfully become ceremonial than the pandemic stroke, sending people online for practically everything in life, including enlightenment, amongst phoebe with the success each of their shows. now attracts up to 2000000 views a time washing their lives. i will be adding some positive feeling, you know, at least a little bit of positivity in my day of the month. prominence on social media isn't very welcomed by more conservative buddhists. they want to tone down what they see as inappropriate behavior. what by the, by monks behavior has to be respectable in the public eye. it does not have to change with the times to appear as young people day color on my call that would lead to the decline of buddhism, which has already existed for nearly 2600 years without the need to change. i me and yemen. me among say it's not the teaching said our strategic plan, i for laughter, time hotel. i made no darma supposed to only s