a group of women has gathered around ahmedel harrad. he is especially good at getting the villagers to understand the macaques and supervises a touring exhibition that informs people about the threat to the monkeys. >> when i find a monkey at a site for instance they phone us quickly. sometimes 20 different people phone. we've confiscated quite a number of animals simply because the exhibition has been so inform ive. >> tail lilliamin is a remote village in the bouhachem forest and only reachable by a dirt road for the last year and a half. time seems almost to have stood still here, but the village is slowly changing. there is now a school center where women can learn reading and arithmetic for instance or knitting and sewing. protecting the macaques is not a priority here. so sian waters proceeds carefully. she makes it clear that the e villagers' needs will be taken into account. she not only explains why her team wants to protect the macaques but also how it will benefit the residents of taliamine. ahmed translates. >> we need to un