. >> reporter: the aica centers for disease control and pr dention and its director, john nkengasong,are working with a global initiative known as covax to ensure tha countries like the d.r.c. get access to the cod-19 vaccines, and are not left behind. but an internal ine stigation by ogram's own promoters reportedly indicates it's struggling from a lack of funds and faces a high risk of failure without access to es forle years. but as the richer nations reserve more doses than they n-ed of the u.s. and europ made vaccines, africa may have little choice than to turn to the russian or chinese vaccines. >> africa c.d.c. is watching over all vaccines that are being trailed, we are analing the results and only the most effective and efficacious vaccines will be allowed to be used on the continent of africa. >> reporter: but it may be years before any of the vaccines are available for many africans. and though some afrin countries are already preparing to supply coolerthe covid- 19 vaccines across the continent. a recent study conducted by the world health organization found that only 40%