aida fairman: thank you so much, damian, for this opportunity. damian: thank you. now we--i want to show a video because we have a video of a car wash. and tell us why this is significant, the video that we're watching here of the car wash. aida: yeah, it's very important that the residents take their cars to be washed at a carwashes to-- car washes because the water from that-- from the carwashes gets treated in the sanitized sewer system. but if they wash their cars on paved areas like parking lots, driveways that are impermeable, the water would just flow and pick up with it dirt, metals, and other pollutants that go into the storm drain system. damian: and so, this is something i didn't think about because if i'm washing my car on my driveway and i'm wiping the greasy wheels on my car, that grease has got to go somewhere, that's what you're saying. aida: yes, that would be going into the storm drain system that has no filtration or treatment. and the water, these pollutants would end up in the local creeks and the san francisco bay. and this has impact to the f