it's largely due to just one man aidan white the director general of the international federation of journalists since nine hundred eighty seven so has anything changed in the last twenty odd years and what's next for the eye of j aged white is our guest on today spotlight. host of why thank you very much thank you very much for being with us on the show again just to remind viewers that we had mr wyatt here three years ago that nearly a thousand shares. i was the wife well first of all let's start with the news. and the latest scandalous news. involving journalist was this was this convoy the freedom car boy stop the by the israeli commandos well as far as we understand around one hundred people on those birds ships or whatever. detained by israelis were journalists what about them are you dealing with this issue what about their right being of their as part of the convoy what are they doing their job properly and are you doing your job now to somehow somehow help them well first of all thanks again for bringing me back and it's a pleasure to be here look the the flotilla story was a