, vpn, vpn, it's other aiden vpn, vpn, vpn, it's other aiden vpn, you meant vpn . access really, really dark bad stuff. that's right. they'll get it. they can do it. but people who just want a bit of smarts and by the way, they've been kids of looking at naughty kids sort of looking at naughty magazines well before magazines since well before the internet magazines since well before the intethey certainly. they're >> they certainly. yeah, they're passed in school, passed around in every school, every the country passed around in every school, eve since the country passed around in every school, eve since printing, the country passed around in every school, eve since printing, youe country passed around in every school, eve since printing, you know, try for, since printing, you know, and that know that and i know that i know that rishi sunak alluding to rishi sunak is alluding to social media but i mean, social media here, but i mean, you covered you know, porn is covered in this safety bill as well. this online safety bill as well. >> 17 year old boys >> you know,