. -- aiello after the second world war. we were instrumental for the democracy is established in south africa, and poland, and we continued to strengthen with declarations. we had another declaration at the time. it was the declaration of mental rights at war. it ended and it increased the free markets. it increased globalization. it was another transition and another interesting turning point. in 1999, we had the very first director-general from the south. at the heart of the new changes that we had, he had to bring the contemporary terms to all of these valleys at the ilo. it is a lot of information to say to the world, this is a proposition. this is what we have to do for the world and for human rights that work. the concept of decent work encompasses a few things. we are pushing for the ilo -- we are pushing through at the ilo decent work for all. >> what frustrates you the most? then in president carter at lunch spoke about some of the spirit eleanor roosevelt's -- we are not living up to those in the united states. wh