nearly 70,000 websites and organizations are slalated to te part in a mamassive day of actin totoday aimemed at saving net .eneutralitity for dissipating websites are display messages on their homepages and encouraging users to take action to save the internet as we know it. supporters of the day of action include twitter, amazon, facebook, google, and. ajiteier this year, ououtlined his plan to dismamane the roles despitepai pollingg thatat shows mt t americanss support t a free and openn internet. and in mexico, protesters gathered outside the attorney general's office tuesday to demand justice amid a growing number of femicides in the state of mexico. this is activist marta avalos. >> we are protesting because of the lack of attention and follow-up the authorities give in the country. because the government does not support us. they give us false figures and we want them to take into acaccount all ofof the disappearances and homicide and punish them, reaching the final consequences. amy: we will go to mexico later in the broadcast to look at the mexican government's wiwidespred surveillan