for air bmv at zero or journal cost. it's done to the hotel industry what file sharing did to the recording industry. once you have your fixed costs in place and you set up your web site the marginal cost of putting an additional apartment or home on their who wants to lease out their property is near zero. if you have a home or an apartment and want to lease it out for short-term until you have covered your fixed costs. that is your mortgage is being paid your property taxes are being paid so the marginal cost of renting out your apartment or home is near zero. in new york alone last year air bmv was responsible for eliminating 1 million hotel mites and hotels because millions of travelers rented out spaces put up by small homeowners. car sharing. we now have 800,000 people in united states sharing cars rather than buying cars and where they have access to a car not ownership. for every car you share that takes 15 cars off the road. imagine the long-term impact of the auto industry when the millennial generation comes o