the original white paper was in a vacuum tube with pods with compressors in the front and air bearingsed on a high throughput system, so for us the key is more vehicles moving more miles in the region, just to put a quick number to it, an average freeway can move around 2,000 to 3,500 vehicles per lane per hour we can move 20,000 vehicles per lane per hour, so you're talking about unlocking a whole region's mobility >> wow people are willing to do it, i guess, if they are not too freaked out by it. who's funding this effort? >> you know, we're privately funded right now, and we're going to be going out for our series "a" funding in the near term and i'll be happy to talk about that when we get that. >> brogan, how many people have to be willing to use this corridor, say, between boulder and the airport and how much do they have to be willing to pay for this to be financially viable long term >> just to put it in perspective, there's a current toll road in the denver region, e-470. they are a partner with us on this study and our pricing is the same as that e-470, so that's about $5 or