the air is unbreathable. everywhere. he described the human wreck j. the wounded groaned in a pool of blood. hit,f them, more seriously are breathing their last. one man has one eye hanging out of his socket. man has no face, an arm blown off. atrociously, they say, lieutenant, i'm suffering, help me. the other implores me to kill him with these words, lieutenant, if you don't want to, give me your revolver. frightful, terrible moments. we are splattered with mud and earth by the shells. these groans and sup supplications continue. eyes,ie before our without anyone being able to help them. diddramatic loss of life not halt the allies fondness for the offenses. 1917, they only increased the frequency with which they tested offensive perimeter. they would soon knock out their strongest allies. of generals planned a series offenses to ravage the so-called line. and launched the offenses, all they all came to screeching halts. the germans offered an elastic offense, which allowed allied troops to penetrate the seriously to find more symptoms of interacting