he didn't necessarily look with great fondness on airan or submarines, tngs that would, in fact prove decisive in the next conflict. instead, hnvisioned vast german navy composed of fast crse and battleships. these would sneak into atlantic and blocka t u.k., all part of germany's ze plan. you can see all of the ships were were intendedorhat prra but few of these surface ships were actually built before the of war. rader had been told by hitler to ba on having until 1948 to build up german naval power something that obviously did not come to pass. in addition, hitler had not been sure, as we've already discussed, whether or not great britain would declare war at all. and as a result he had not priority his his navy he he hoped to avoid a naval arms race. the sort of thing that had guaranteed british entry into the first world war. and in part as a result, the german would be by far the weakest of the three main branches of the german military. on the eve of war. despite utility of the submarine in the first world war, where it had been used to such devastating effect against allied sh