out of the way they start blowing up t hot bon sta pressingt a they'llctuay get on top o the hot airballoon, but they have to get on it while they're still blowing it up. ty climb on the balloon itself? >> ye andhey'll attach a slide off the top of the balloonoy can sle of >> the inflated the balloon with them on it. i wan to do that. >> is quitefun. the startoing up to the skand while th're at altitude, i think about 2800 feet they g the okay, yo, >> he kin >> he kind of gets stuck. recoversnd continues walkg cser to t ee a enal takes off. >> wt a really cool idea and in t people to say, hey, we want to sit on top of it. who agrees to that? these guys are wellespected athletes and they know they're rking with th. >> allf the many joys of watching children imitate adults and we srt with these two cutele little girl sarah and watch how ivy trieso playmomm ere is nothing on that fork, but ivy wants to make sure that sah gets plenty to eat. >> see, it's like getting it. theye practicing,ut i just thought that was mono because the is nothing on the plate an it' not lik she's pretding not to tak