she said, based on what investigators found, the events at 3:00 in the morning in the california airpark prepared the jury. what happened that night was horrific. one, todd opened rachel's laptop and found the divorce documents she'd been working on with her boyfriend, james. that laptop has disappeared from its ususal place in winkler home. two, he grabbed the scissors from a craft box, which was kept on a shelf right above the computer. and three, prosecutor suder -- >> i believe he took a pair of scissors and he went in that room with the intent to kill her. he attacked her while she was sleeping, stabbed her repeatedly in the face and the neck area. and i believe, at that point, he thought he had killed her, and he left her for dead. >> reporter: then, said the prosecutor, as todd prepared to leave the house, he saw a light had been turned on in the baby's room. >> so that's when he then goes, gets his motorcycle jacket on for padding, for protection, bangs in the door, finds her in that corner. >> reporter: cowering? >> cowering. >> reporter: trying to save her own life? >> correct.