i find now and aishia, you could probably speak to this as well.n you find your voice, you do not want to shut up about it. i have found my choice. i feel very privileged to have found it. patrick and i were together 12 years up to the point where we got married. we deserved that opportunity. >> i feel like there is something as you point out. the 4-year-old on up. the fact that they have also. it is not just you two making this choice. it is that your whole families are participating in a way that contributes to an expanding definition of family for the 4-year-old and all the way up. given that we are looking at communities where people are going to have these expanded social understandings, how does that translate for us into policy? >> it translates several ways. there is no question but that weddings are joyous events. >> it is good stuff. >> it is good stuff for everyone. as you noted earlier, americans are increasingly not marrying. what we are seeing even more is a growing class divide. those who are college educated, marry and their divorce