. >> aitken had a glimpse into a possible future when he cove to inspect a coral reef in 2010. >> ifhere is anything that i could wipe from my memory, it's what that reef looked like. you see coral, and it's white. everything is white all over. got down looking at the reef, watching the fish. the fish were stunned. some of the corals were dying at that point. the difference between that and a healthy reef was so obvious. it was like nothing i had ever heart-breaking. >> aitken and other scientists say the fate of the earth's coral reef hinges on upcoming talks. aims to give global increases. if we continue at the rate we are now, corals don't stand much of a chance. if, on the other hand, we keep the atmosphere to a 2 degree warming, then at least at that level, the corals have a chance that there's going to be a peak of stress and then their recovering will pick up because they are adapting to conditions, we hope. >> for those who depend on the coral reefs for their livelihood and survival, that hope may be all they have. until all of the world unites in one force, one voice, and sa