since the secretary of health -- the secretary -- head of the epa falsely assured everybody that the aiwa to breathe. it's been nine years since all the first responders worked for hours and days and weeks with the respiratory protection and not toxic soup, relying on the incorrect assurances from the federal government. been nine years since we all incurred a double moral obligation to these people. when moral obligation because they are americans who responded to their countries need in more many of them would not be sick if the federal government hadn't wrongly assured that the air was safe to breathe and have the federal government to enforce the law that said that they should have been wearing respirators as the law was enforced at the pentagon but not in new york. so we have a heavy moral obligation. it'sn years since caroline and the wedding night introduced the first version of this year. it's been 22 hearings ago that we introduced the bill. it burns me up when i hear someone say, we have no time. we shouldn't rush it. nine years is not rushing it. twenty-two hearings is not rush