or in arabic music ajan, a-j-a-n, ajan.een those three two notes, and i'm referring to the third note i played, or i can fit another interval in between that we call quartertone. [guitar strumming] and many people think it's kind of weird or it sounds out of tune, but it is not. it's a quality that, if you are born in certain region that practice this type of music or if you get used to it, like many american students who study with me for years and years-- they got used to it and they perform it perfectly. [spirited violin plays] i went to school in the early '80s, at manhattan school of music, and i specialized on violin, and one of the top violinists then used to come and give us master classes was heinrick szering, the polish violinist. in one of the master classes, i was supposed to perform i think it was a beethoven sonata on the violin and piano, and after i finished, he said, you know, he commented on my playing, and before i leave the stage, i asked to play another piece of music. so i took the violin again and the