first up, ajay raju, and terry madonna and law professor jan ting.his vote was watched all week, the governor said don't approve one, harrisburg said you better approve allot. they said five. >> 39 charters approved. the philadelphia school partnership said we'll give you 35 million, 25 toward charters, 10 million to the public schools now it's taking its marbles and going home. did the src having not done anymore charters since 2007 did they make the right call with that? >> they were in a impossible position. they did the best they could do, they dealt with the reality that additional charters impose additional cost on the school districts which can't afford it. but on the on the other hand there's a strong constituency auto there the republican legislature, frankly a lot of parents who want more choices and they don't care what it cost the school district. >> he was very clear you've come to me asking for $200 million. you must be kidding. >> the republican ledge light tur it's going -- legislature it's going to be a fight about increasing the edu