ajlodu, hello, you have my voice, i am at your service . hello, and also the guests present in the studio, thank you, mr. ajello, for the conversations we had in a couple of hours. past various analyses on the one hand, some people believe that the zionist regime wants to transfer its internal crisis to the outside world and drag other people's feet into the middle. now they say that it should set a trap. this time, in addition to the assassination, a diplomatic place of our country was targeted. and that deterrence equation can be distorted by such an action. what do you think about this attack? first of all, i would like to express my condolences for the martyrdom of hazrat amir, peace be upon him, as well as the recent martyrs, and also wish for a speedy recovery for i would like to tell you that in this case, i am now opening a new angle, as you can see, the scientific regime has been under for almost a month. the trend of the creatures of the southern front in gaza as well as the northern degree in lebanon in the south of lebanon was i