akhmadonna was different than mine sometimes, unexpectedly, not more accurately. i never wrote to order it, but here's how she saw and felt this city, i'll try to convey it in her intonation. strict alien cities to us, as if closed in themselves while the maser trickles to them, not knowing their fate with a vague feeling of lonely passed, and it comes out of the day as a distant siberian city, and he did not notice me his factories and worries. it was deeply buried by tree houses and fences. he reluctantly trusted me. he he would go down to to my mother in the sky and gave me freedom and yet the gloomy sky looked, and did not trust me, but then i went to the hillock on tomyu and sighing easily , this city suddenly opened up to me, trusting, far away, it was great, but whoever started it was erected to smashed housing. oh, kemerovo what did your nicknames mean from ancient times and so excitedly biased, as if the city was mine, and looked around. i am the mighty space occupied by him, and the city that checked me buzzed, smoked and flickered with fire. he was maje