program, is there... battles have flared up among the craftsmen there to remember the vashchankas and akhramchiks about dzed maroz’s kamanza for the new year? posters for the weekend are now requested for the weekend. these are the latest news of the year and advice to all the members of the country, as known from the palace of the republic, which is changing their warehouse here. this guy has rappers on the main stage. dekaratsyami, with up to 250 km of holy screens, every year for the musical there are new episodes and musical supravaganna and yago. we remain committed to doing like at home, which means do it yourself. the schedule is quite tight, and of course, more than 80 thousand tickets have already been sold for all these new year’s performances, but i want to make a few important accents, on the 28th at 11 o’clock. the performances will not take place, just like the performances that will take place on january 5, unfortunately, they will also not take place for technical reasons, and this is not related to any force majeure circumstances, the technical load is quite large, and an appropr