akiko watanabe works at this school. she works at a financial institution in japan, has to deal with more english-speaking customers than ever before. so she decided to use her week-long leave to come here for a crash course in english. hot meals, teaching and accommodations cost $150. that is far cheaper than in the u.s. >> now i communicate with my customers through a translator. i want to speak with them directly after taking this course. >> reporter: the influx of english learners from overseas means more job opportunities for filipinos. creating new jobs is important in the country where 10% of the population goes abroad to find work. teaching english is now a popular job choice for young people. >> teaching is my passion, so i consider being a teacher or instructor a booming industry. >> reporter: as the english education industry grows, schools are catering to japanese students and they're picking up. a school opens this month with plans of teaching employees of 60 japanese firms. the school has arranged luxurious